Meanwhile in Spain....

Simultaneously in Spain, Tony runs into the house to inform Jess that the first attack has just happened in Spain and no one knows when or where the next attack will occur. Jess bursts into tears and the only person she wants with her is her Dad. Tony tells Jess he has planned for this and has built a secret tunnel under the farm that they will hide in. Once down in the tunnel, Jess feels angry at her dad because she knows he was aware of the danger and plans of attack, since that is his job. Tony tries to calm her down by reassuring her that Tom loves her and he would never let anything happen to either of them, but in the meantime they must stay hidden away from the danger and wait.

Tom arrives in Spain and immediately goes to the address of the farm that Jess sent him in her “Tel-Tube” message. On his drive he sees all the destruction and turmoil the first attack has caused, and drives even faster to get Jess. Since Tom has gone overseas, no one is able to contact him quickly. Therefore, Tom is unaware of the news that all of the other planned attacks on Spain are not happening. Since the government is unable to communicate with the military once they are deployed, the Chinese army was given the wrong coordinates and ended up in the middle of the sea, so they decided to return back to China and the cost to replan the attacks were too much. Therefore, the Chinese government decided to come to a solution between them and Spain and call off the war.

The ending...